
Production Speed


Product Qualification Rate


Failure Rate


This equipment is used for the assembly of in vitro diagnostic kits. The equipment performs multiple processes of cutting, detecting, assembling, and laminating test strips to achieve the assembly of in vitro diagnostic kits.


  • Step feeder system enables high-speed material sorting and feeding;
  • High-speed P&P storage and retrieval system enables high-speed loading and unloading of materials;
  • The vision system ensures the position accuracy of the assembled reagent strip;
  • Online cam cutting mechanism is adopted to achieve high-speed reagent strip cutting;
  • Servo carrier transfer mechanism provides precise and rapid transfer of carriers;
  • High degree of automation, only manual loading of materials is required at regular intervals and the in vitro diagnostic reagent card can be produced by the equipment;
  • The switching of similar products can be done quickly by changing the carrier.

Production Speed


Suitable Reagent Card Specifications

Length≤100mm; Width≤120mm

Carrier Size

160mm X 160mm

Dimensions of the Equipment Host


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